As one engages in
this threefold devotion, there is however an important point to keep in mind. The heart and soul of tridha bhakti lies in the involvement of the mind in devotion.
Unfortunately in today’s world, external
behaviour takes precedence. We say many
things, but we hardly feel them from within.
For example, we often say “thank you” and “sorry” to each other, but we
rarely feel gratitude or regret from within.
This may be a trend in the material world, but God says that such
craftiness and deception is of no importance in the spiritual realm. God says, “I will only consider the feelings
in your mind”. Hence, you may think you
are engaging in chanting and hearing really well, but actually you may be practising
devotion merely with your material senses.
You may be hearing the Guru’s lectures with your ears and reciting
prayers with your lips, but your mind could be wandering elsewhere. There is no benefit of engaging in such devotion.
Jagadguru Shri
Kripaluji Maharaj teaches us to meditate upon God, which means we have to
meditate upon the form of God. Along
with this we can also chant His Divine Names and Pastimes and sing kirtans that will be helpful in the remembrance
of God. Thus, foremost we have to engage
the mind in remembrance of God and then involve the material senses in

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